Who is executive coaching for? Our coaching serves a certain kind of person, not a title. Maybe you’ve been in business for decades. Or, you may be launching a side hustle. We serve those in multi-million-dollar businesses, and we also work with solopreneurs. In any case, if you’re mission driven, passionate about serving others by offering the best version of you or your business, the executive coaching we offer is for you.

“Grant was truly instrumental in taking my life and business to the next level! Not only was I able to handle the mass growth we had (144% year over year increase) but I managed to increase my personal income by over 25%!”

Jonathan Upleger | General Manager, JennyClean

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“Business coaching” can mean a lot of different things to different people, so instead of a definition here’s a short list of what most of our clients want – and get:

  • A powerful three-to-five year Vision for business and life
  • More clarity
  • Less overwhelm
  • More time
  • A clear, proven process for creating transformation
  • A dynamic method for taking consistent action
  • Accountability for doing the work
  • Someone to challenge them when they aren’t taking action
  • Tangible progress toward their Vision

If you’re ready to “do the work,” we can help you take your business or career to the place you want to go.

“As one of Grant’s clients, the practical tools and proven strategies I’ve learned from him have helped me improve my business and my personal life…to truly present the best version of myself.”

Bill Marsh, Jr. | Public Speaker & Partner, Bill Marsh Automotive Group

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A Full Year of Vision, Mindset, and Action

Our one-year program is designed for our most focused and intentional clients. When you make a powerful decision to invest time, energy, and resources creating the life, relationships, and business you really want – transforming each key area of your life – you’ll want every available support to help you get there – and that’s what you get with the One-Year Program.

You’ll begin by building a bombproof Mindset. Why? Because the tech between your ears is the foundation for building everything else you want. When you’re out over the tips of your skis – which pretty much describes anything new and worth creating – you’re going to need more than the Mindset that got you where you are today.

As your Mindset shifts, you’ll also begin creating a deeply compelling Vision for what key areas of life will look like in three to five years. All our clients are successful, mission-driven leaders in their own right, but the whirlwind of doing “all the things” makes it hard to engage in a powerful Vision.

Ordinary goals and objectives can actually keep you feeling stuck, like you’re on a hamster wheel of “never there.” But our Vision Building process – and the extra support, tools, and challenges only available to our One-Year Program clients – can get you headed where you want to go!

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Six-Month Vision and Mindset Program

You might be the owner of an established business who feels burnt out from all the “rinse and repeat” in your life. Maybe you’re just getting started as a solopreneur, but feel overwhelmed and like there’s never enough time, wondering if you can really do “all the things” – or if you even have what it takes.

Or, you could be at the point where you know you want to create something amazing, but you feel stuck because you’re not clear on exactly what that is, or how to do it, and at times you wonder if you even can. No matter – if you’re ready to exchange what you have right now, for the life and business you want… our Six-Month Mindset and Vision-Building Program can help you stop spinning your wheels of hiding in busyness, and finally get moving in the right direction.

We draw from the same transformational methodologies of the one-year program and, while half the time means you won’t go as deep, or get quite as far, you may find yourself saying like one of our clients, “When I look back over the last year and think, ‘Wow! How did that happen?’ It was coaching with Grant…” If you’re ready to “do the work,” then get ready to start an exciting journey and transform up to three key areas of your life!

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Three-Month Mindset QuickStart

“The man who believes he can, and the man who believes he can’t, are both right.”

– Henry Ford

Our Three-Month Mindset Program is focused on eliminating the internal barriers to creating the life, love, and legacy you want and deserve.

During these three, fast-paced months you’ll get rid of old, negative stories that keep you stuck, frustrated, or overwhelmed, and learn how to identify and eliminate the limiting beliefs behind them. By the end of the Three-Month Program you’ll have begun to see yourself, the world, and what you once believed were the “problems” facing you in an entirely different way, and be on your way toward the business and life you love.

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Call now to schedule a NO COST strategy session and see what GRANT PORTEOUS COACHING can do for you or your business today.

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(231) 631-5704